I’ve mailed to the IEEE Main Branch and IEEE Japan Office about the thing below.
so I’ve International Called to the IEEE Main Branch (New Jersey).
The monthly issue Magazine “Spectrum”
will been or can be seen,
on the Official Website, other Electronic One(s) and the Paper Version,
“By the membership level”.
On this occasion it’s the FEE.
I’ve thought we can get ALL 3 OF THEM, but it ISN’T.
(It seems to be delivered if the places are the USPS delivery areas)
I’ll organize how to International Call from Japan to the US, below.
(The title is IEEE, though… )

The Time Difference is like this.
I’ve though we can call from Japan to the US simply just put “001” in front of the COUNTRY CODE, but it wasn’t.
(au’s Phones are maybe able, though)
We need “001 010” in front of it and there are the Explanation from the KDDI’s Operator and it can’t be firstly connected.
(For the KDDI’s telephone it seems, 44 JPY per 1 min. becomes 9 JPY for 1 min. and the J:COM+ Phones are the same too)
The Personal Information was confirmed, the Max. Amount is 5,000 JPY, and the fact that the 3 letters will be delivered was announced
and it will take 3 min. to open.There is a Service of International Flat Call.
The announcement etc., has come, so I’ve write in it and replied.And the Affirmation Letter has come, and when if the Max. Fee 5,000 JPY has come, the Letter will come again.
With belonging to the IEEE (Japan) , it seems the pin badge will be sent.